Better PHP === Better Drupalists: the PHP track at Drupalcon Vienna

One of the best parts of Drupal 8 is our shift to enterprise PHP coding structures. With tools like composer and Symfony’s structures like Events and Dependency Injection, Drupalists are learning to be great PHP developers, and vice-versa. Today, the fastest route to becoming a rock star Drupalist is through PHP.

I’m one of the PHP track chairs for Drupalcon Vienna, and this year our focus is better PHP === better Drupalists. How can better PHP make your life as a Drupal developer easier?

Do you like PHP 7? We want to hear about the technicalities of types, throwing all the things, and your favorite operators (mine is null coalesce, but full respect for you spaceship operator fans).

Have you seen the light of functional programming? Tell us why we should love higher orders with lambda functions and closures. Let’s hear the finer points of first class functions.

Do your tests bring all the bugs to the yard? We want to talk about it. Every method is a promise, and your tests make sure you keep your promises. We want sessions about test driven development in a drupal context, choosing the right test framework and scope, and how your real-world tests are saving you real-world time.

Have you written a composer library wrapper module yet? Submit a session about how composer is saving you lines of code.

Is your development environment fine-tuned for drupal excellence? Tell us how, and why.

We have only two weeks left until session submissions close! Get your session in now and help us make Drupal code something to be proud of.

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